Smiling Grads

Accepting Your Financial Aid

Students may accept their financial aid offer at any time. Accepting your aid does not commit a student to attending, it just reserves the funds for your use.

To accept your aid:

  1. Log in to PAWS
  2. Select the Financial Aid tab
  3. Select Award
  4. Select Award for Aid Year
  5. Select the current Aid Year and submit

To proceed, students must review and accept the terms and conditions for their financial aid. The terms and conditions include information on aid renewal requirements.

Once the student has reviewed and accepted terms and conditions, they can proceed to the Accept Award Offer tab, where students can use the drop down boxes to accept or decline their award offers.

Students with loan offers can accept all or part of each loan offer, or decline the entire loan offer. Students who choose to accept their Federal Direct Stafford loan/s must complete Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note on

When finished, click submit on the bottom of the page.

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